ChatMates — Summer Internship

Prince Patel
3 min readAug 7, 2021



We made a chat web app in PHP using VS code for front end and PHP myadmin for database . The name of this web application is Realtime chat application . In this web application the user is greeted with the login page and has to signup if the user is new. Then after signing-up he/she can see the people that are in there in the application and can engage in a chat securely with anyone. The user can engage socially and can develop communication skills using this application.

System Requirement

  1. Hardware Requirements

This Project is based on web application so for that 2GB ram and some free space is required.

2. Software Requirements

  • Device
  • Web browser
  • For developers: IDE and MySQL

System Design

Use case Diagram



Log-in page
Sign-up Page
Working Chat Logic


The chat logic is entirely built using front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP and the back-end resides in php my admin database. Bootstrap is used for responsiveness and Jquery is used for chat logic assigning outgoing and incoming message id.

We have used all general coding standards of the PHP programming language with the necessary norms and standards. For developing design of this application we use some basic ui/ux for this web app.

Further Extensions

  • Forgot Password module can be developed
  • Message encryption performance
  • Hosting
  • Small UI tweaks


We made this web application so that during the pandemic people can connect with each other and also improve there communication skills. Another benefits include social media interaction with perks of privacy. As there is no media sharing available fake media videos can also be avoided. On a learning aspect we got to do hands-on with several web technologies and also in future we will try to deploy the system and improve the performance of the system.



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